The Evolution of Digital Sales in Customer Lifecycle Management

access_time 2024-02-10T14:21:46.86Z face Sanjay Gupta
Introduction In the ever-changing domain of Customer Lifecycle Management (CLM), digital sales have emerged as a game-changing influence, revolutionizing how businesses establish connections with their client. The introduction of digital technologies has not only modified consumer habits but has als...

Killer Tips: Be a Good Listener

access_time 2023-12-18T12:57:47.63Z face LEAD Systems
"Ears Wide Open: Elevate Your Listening Skills" Sanjay Gupta A seasoned IT professional with an unyielding passion for education, a strategic mindset, and an enthusiastic cricketer....

Beyond Numbers: Unveiling the True Worth of a Student

access_time 2023-12-18T12:49:51.811Z face LEAD Systems
Beyond Numbers: Unveiling the True Worth of a Student created on 12/12/2023 The Value of a Student Goes Beyond Their Marks! Introduction In our modern and fast-moving society, the importance placed on achieving academic success often takes precedence over the true purpose of education. The focus on ...

Education vs Qualification

access_time 2023-12-18T11:49:04.19Z face LEAD Systems
Education vs Qualification created on 18/12/2023 Education: Education refers to the process of acquiring values, knowledge, skills, and understanding through formal or informal learning methods. This can take place in various settings, such as schools, colleges, universities, online courses, worksho...